Mitsuharu Matsumoto Laboratory starts its research activity in the University of Electro-Communications (UEC) since November 2008 as a member of the education and research center for frontier science. Our laboratory currently belongs to department of informatics in faculty of informatics and engineering since April 2013. Our research areas are perceptual computing including image processing, acoustical signal processing and tactile/haptic processing. Intelligent robotics and human-robot interaction are also the research areas of our laboratory.
Our research aim is to develop "mecha-bio frontier" from science and engineering view points and to give the research results back to society.
We would like to progress our reseach projects not only from engineering views such as information processing and mechatronics but also from scientific view such as physics, chemistry, and mathematics. We also would like to understand life and human from observing human-like robots and human-robot interaction with psychologics, Kansei engineering and human engineering view points.
25/2/9 |
A paper about object identification using acoustic signal studied by Mr. Yamazaki was accepted for publication at ICAISC2025. |
24/12/20 |
Four papers were presented in SI2024. |
24/12/10 |
A paper about plant symbiotic robot skin was accepted for publication at Artificial life and robotics. |
24/11/13 |
A paper about self-healing ability by plant root growth achieving plant symbiotic robot skin was accepted for publication at SII2025. |
24/11/13 |
A paper about computational thinking learning tool using a railway toy and music studied by Mr. Ozawa was accepted for publication at SII2025. |
24/8/7 |
A paper about parameter tuning of sensor fusion techniques studied by Mr. Kawaguchi was accepted for publication at IDSTA2024. |
24/5/9 |
A paper about a transformable sheet type robot that can be thrown from the air written by Mr. Iida was accepted for publication at Biomimetics. |
24/4/11 |
A paper about sound driven actuator written by Mr. Niwano was accepted for publication at Actuators. |
23/12/19 |
A paper about a robot that can be stored in a small and soft state and becomes large and hard when used was accepted for publication in International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research. It will also be presented in ICMET2024. |
22/11/11 |
A paper about plant-symbiotic robot skin was accepted for publication in AROB2024. |
23/7/10 |
A paper about obstacle avoidance was accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors Letters. It will also be presented in IEEE Sensors 2023. |
23/6/23 |
A paper about self-healing mechanism inspired by molting was accepted for publication in Artificial life and robotics. |
23/3/25 |
Mr. Iida, Mr. Kawaguchi and Mr. Niwano won UEC student award, respectively. Mr. Ozawa also won UEC megurokai award. |
23/2/2 |
A paper about topic selection using conceptual distance was accepted for publication in IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications. |
22/12/13 |
A paper about portable transformable kit studied by Mr. Ishino was accepted for publication at HCII2023. |
22/11/11 |
A paper about self-healing mechanism inspired by molting was accepted for publication in AROB2023. |
22/9/30 |
A paper about estimating the conceptual distance between unknown words using machine learning was accepted for publication in ISIS and SCIS2022. |
22/9/1 |
Mr. Niwano got a student poster awards in 2022 Annual Conference on Electronics, Information and Systems. |
22/9/1 |
A paper about aurora classification by Mr. Endo was accepted for publication at Sensors. |
22/8/31 |
Five papers were presented in 2022 Annual Conference on Electronics, Information and Systems. |
22/8/15 |
A paper about a transformable sheet type robot that can be thrown from the air written by Mr. Iida was accepted for publication at Biomimetics. |
22/7/27 |
A paper about portable transformable device written by Mr. Ishino was accepted for publication at IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering. |
22/7/12 |
A paper about self-healing method for soft robots mimicking blood-coagulation by Ms. Uchino was accepted for publication in Artificial Life and Robotics. |
22/6/13 |
A paper about sound driven actuator using Helmholtz resonance written by Mr. Niwano was accepted for publication at Actuators. |
22/6/11 |
A paper about noise reduction combining a general microphone and a throat microphone written by Mr. Kawaguchi was accepted for publication at Sensors. |
22/5/21 |
A paper about block type interface by Ms. Kobayashi was accepted for publication in IIAI AAI2022. |
22/4/28 |
A paper about emotion expression by humanoid robot written by Mr. Xie was accepted for publication at IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering. |
22/2/10 |
A paper about topic selection by Mr. Sakai was accepted for publication in IPEC2022. |
21/11/20 |
Two papers written by Mr. Niwano(B4) and Mr. Kawaguchi(B4) were presented in SSI2021. |
21/11/12 |
A paper about self-healing mechanism for soft robots was accepted for publication in AROB2022. |
21/9/27 |
A paper about non-electically driven robot composed of oat seeds with awns was accepted for publication in Artificial life and robotics. |
21/9/18 |
A paper about aurora image classification by Mr Endo was accepted for publication in IECON2021. |
21/6/7 |
A paper on programming learning tool using a train toy by Mr. Ozawa was accepted for publication at IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering. |
21/5/17 |
A paper on non-electrically driven robot by Mr. Otake was accepted for publication at IEEE ICMA2021. |
21/4/23 |
A paper on fragile robot was accepted for publication in International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research. |
21/4/18 |
A paper on evaluating the validity of music as an authentication key by Mr. Narumi was accepted for publication at International Symposium on Industrial Electonics. |
20/11/19 |
A paper about water-driven robot composed of oat seeds with awns was accepted for publication in AROB2021. |
20/10/5 |
A paper about twitter-based topic selection was accepted for publication in SII2021. |
20/8/4 |
A paper about vision-referential speech enhancement was accepted for publication in SiPML2020. |
20/7/27 |
A paper about aurora identification was accepted for publication in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. |
20/6/11 |
A paper about a camouflage robot was accepted for publication in Artificial life and robotics. |
20/3/19 |
A paper about energy transmission was accepted for publication in ICCSD2020. |
20/2/18 |
A paper on a camouflage robot was awarded as best paper at AROB2020. |
19/11/26 |
A paper on a robot with poor operability is accepted for publication at HCI internatinal 2020. |
18/11/23 |
Two papers written by Mr. Sakai(M1) and Ms. Kobayashi(M1) were presented in SSI2019. |
18/11/1 |
A paper on a camouflage robot was accepted for publication at AROB2020. |
19/7/2 |
A paper on fully soft robot by Ms. Ishida was accepted for publication at IEEE Access. |
19/5/29 |
A paper on a music-based personal authentication by Mr. Narumi was accepted for publication at IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress. |
19/5/15 |
A paper on fully soft robot by Mr. Nishikawa was accepted for publication at Advanced Robotics. |
19/3/25 |
Mr. Nozawa won UEC student award. |
19/2/26 |
A paper on robot operation was accepted for publication at ICMAE2019. |
18/12/21 |
A paper about vision-referential speech enhancement was accepted for publication in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. |
18/11/26 |
Five papers written by Mr. Nozawa(M2), Ms. Uchino(M1), Mr. Sakai(B4), Mr. Otake(B4) and Mr. Narumi(B4) were presented in SSI2018. |
18/11/6 |
A paper on safe storage using a robot was accepted for publication at AROB2019. |
18/10/17 |
A paper on water driven soft actuator was accepted for publication in Applied system innovation. |
18/3/23 |
Ms. Ishida and Mr. Nishikawa won UEC student award. |
18/3/23 |
Ms. Uchino won UEC meguro-kai award. |
18/1/18 |
A paper on 3D copier was accepted for publication at IARCE2018. |
18/1/9 |
A paper on the study by Mr.Nozawa was accepted for publication at IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering. |
17/11/27 |
A paper written by Ms. Ishida (M2) was awarded as SSI2017 outstanding presentation award in SSI2017. |
17/11/27 |
Five papers written by Ms. Ishida(M2), Ms. Nakajima(M1), Mr. Nozawa(M1), Ms. Uchino(B4) and Mr. Konishi(B4) were presented in SSI2017. |
17/11/17 |
A paper about acoustical noise reduction was accepted for publication in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. |
17/11/10 |
A paper on the study by Mr. Onuki was accepted for publication at ICRIS2018. |
17/9/8 |
A paper written by Mr. Nishikawa was presented in Tokai-Section Joint Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information, and Related Engineering. |
17/8/21 |
A paper on the study by Mr.Nishikawa was accepted for publication at IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering. |
17/7/14 |
A paper on the study by Ms. Hirayama was accepted for publication at IECON2017. |
17/3/24 |
Mr. Watanabe won UEC meguro-kai award. |
17/1/28 |
A paper on the study by Ms. Murata was accepted for publication at International Journal of Social Science and Humanity. |
17/1/17 |
A paper on the study by Ms. Shimomura was accepted for publication at IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering. |
16/12/6 |
Four papers written by Ms. Nakajima, Mr. Nozawa, Ms. Ishida and Mr. Nishikawa were presented in SSI2016. |
16/11/18 |
Two papers on the study by Mr. Nishikawa and Mr. Watanabe were accepted for publication at IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering,. |
16/1/15 |
A paper on the study by Mr. Shirasaki was awarded as outstanding paper at ICCE2016. |
15/11/24 |
Five papers written by Ms. Ishida, Mr. Onuki, Ms. Shimomura, Mr. Nishikawa and Mr. Watanabe were presented in SSI2015. |
15/10/14 |
A paper on the study by Mr. Shirasaki was accepted for presentation at ICCE2016. |
15/8/20 |
A paper on the study by Ms. Hirayama was accepted for presentation at ATC-15. |
15/5/25 |
A the study by Mr. Otani was published as news article of NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN. |
15/3/31 |
A paper on the study by Mr. Otani was accepted for publication at IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems. |
15/1/5 |
A paper on the study by Mr. Yasuda was accepted for presentation at HCI international 2015. |
14/11/25 |
Four papers written by Mr. Shirasaki, Ms. Hirayama, Ms. Murata and Mr. Watanabe were presented in SSI2014. |
14/6/20 |
A paper on the study by Mr. Otani was accepted for presentation at Romansy2014. |
14/6/4 |
2014 first open labo was held in UEC. Our laboratory was open from 13:30-16:30. |
14/4/24 |
A paper on the study by Mr. Yasuda was accepted for presentation at ICEIS2014. |
June/2010 Open web-site of Mitsuharu Matsumoto Laboratory.